Astrology Weekly /Daily Prediction

Weekly Raasi Palan
Astrology Weekly Prediction.
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Monday, 1 August 2022


Weekly Raasi Palan


From 1.8.2022 to 7.8.2022


Mesham Raasi:

It is possible to create profitable opportunities though maintaining patience in trading work.

You will do and complete the dragging works through difference approach.

You will understand the thoughts of siblings.

You will be getting to receive hike towards talent and appreciation in official duties.

Body heat related tribulations will occur and go away.

Good/auspicious activity related losses will occur.

Need temperance in speeches.

Rishabam Raasi:

You will be getting to receive money related helps.

Delays will reduce in Government related works.

You will be performing with new inspiration in trading works.

Thinking  and performing twice instead of once in actions will be good.

Mooderate speed is very good in vehicular travelling’s.

Maintainig patience with workers will be good.

Thinking and perform while giving promises.

Non-interfering in the performances of others will be good.

Experiences will increase through unexpected some new travelling’s.


Mithunam Raasi:

Existed barriers in money income will remove.

Kind speeches will improve the confidence on you.

You will be fulfilling the needs/requirements of siblings.

New opportunities will occur in job related works.

Favorable opportunities will occur to those who are in communication fields.

You will receive freshness by removal of existed worries in mind.

Giving up and moving with the people those who are in higher responsibilities will be good.

Superiority will occur through native properties.

You will understand the new techniques in business related fields.


Kadakam Raasi:

You will understand the thoughts of family members and will be performing.

Those who are in social works have to think and perform whle giving promises.

Avoiding useless discussions will improve the confidence on you.

Existed barriers and delays in performances will reduce.

Improved situations will occur in trade related works.

Expectations will fulfill in outstation related travel opportunities.

Simmam Raasi:

Happiest moments will occur in relations ways.

Understanding about the peoples together with you will improve.

Opportunities will occur for fulfilling the long day’s desires.

You will be getting to receive loan related help on land.

Need attention while procuring the costly items.

Happiest situations will be seen through the introduction of new persons.

Slightly think and perform in internet related investments.


Kanni Raasi:

Investments will increase in trading works.

Devine confidence will improve in mind.

Understandings about the peoples together with you will occur.

Think and perform in opposite sex peoples related performances.

Thinking’s will occur for improving extra income.

You will do persistence and complete he dragging works.

Non-interfering in others activities will be good.

Reduce the unnecessary discussions with new friends.


Thulaam Raasi:

Happiest news in children’s ways and opportunities will for doing good/auspicious activity.

Confusions and ripples will occur through unspecified some thinking’s.

Influence will improve to those who are in community related works.

You will be reaching superiority through future related investments.

Taking decisions after knowing the true status of others saying speeches will be good.

Moderate speed is very good in vehicular travelling’s.

Undertake after knowing the characteristics of expenses.


Viruchikam Raasi:

Performing with prudence in new efforts will be good.

You will be taking part with interest in sports related matters.

Giving up and moving with father side relations will improve the confidence on you.

Decisions will occur for long days problems.

You will be happy procuring the favorite items to your mind.

New changes will birth through the introduction of peoples those ho re in higher responsibilities.


Thanusu Raasi:

Performing with care in any of the activities will be good.

New house procur8ng related thoughts will improve.

Clarity will occur by removal of higher education related confusions.

You will be getting to receive opportunities for doing development in trading works.

You will be happy by producing the favorite dress and ornaments liked by your mind.

You will be doing some changes in native properties.

Perform with care in Exports and Imports relate matters.

Ripples will occur in relations ways.


Maharam Raasi:

Improved situations wil be seen if you perform with patience in joint venture/joint business related matters.

New land and vehicle procuring related thinking’s will increase.

You will be doing small, small changes in house where you live.

Perform with awareness in official duties.

Loan related problems will come under control.

Get unexpected results in some involuntary activities.


Kumbam Raasi:

New job related efforts will get hand in hand.

Profit will increase in trading works.

Know the situations and perform while exposing talents.

Existed crisis in money incomes will reduce.

Gold and materials additions related efforts will get hand in hand.

Self-confidence as it is possible to do and complete anything will improve.

You will understand the thoughts of close ones.

Meenam Raasi: 

Improved situations wil be seen in business related performances.

Outstation related travel opportunities will get hand in hand.

Sobriety performance will fulfill expectations.

Without short temper perform with patience.

Some ripples will occur and go away in siblings ways.

You will know and will be fulfilling he needs/requirements of house.

Luxurious thinking’s will increase.


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