Astrology Weekly /Daily Prediction

Weekly Raasi Palan
Astrology Weekly Prediction.
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Saturday, 19 August 2023


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 20 August, 2023 Sunday
Aavani 3
(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     06.04 am

Star of the Day:   Uththiram up to 01.29 am then Hastham.

Today’s Thithi:   Chadurththi up to 10.27 pm then Panchami.

Today’s Yogam: Marana Yogam up to 06.05 am then Amirdha                                      Yogam.                         

Auspicious time:  07.45 am to 08.45 am and 03.15 pm to 04.15 pm.

Raghu Kaalam:    04.30 pm to 06.00 pm.

Yemagandam:     12.00 Noon to 01.30 pm.

Kuligai Kaalam:  03.00 pm to 04.30 pm. 

Soolam:               West.

Parigaram:           Jaggery. (Vellam) 

Chandraashtama Star:  Poorattaadhi.

You will be fulfilling the needs of family members.

Improvement will occur in Government related works.

Good/auspicious activity related discussions will get hand in hand.

Investments pertaining to trading will increase.

Husband and wife have to adjust and move among them.

Change will occur in official duties.

Activities thought in mind will fulfill.

A day filled with full of love.

Lucky No.       5

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:  Ash Colour.

Ashwini:   Will be fulfilling the needs.

Bharani:   Investments will increase.

Kaarthigai:   Change will occur.

Get opportunities for exposing the intelligence.

You will get understand the individual characteristics of children’s.

Get support in brother’s ways.

Expected some contract will complete favorably.

Involvement will occur in sport related fields.

Change will occur in the course of thinking’s.

A day full of peace is needed.

Lucky No.:   2 

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:  White Colour.

Kaarthigai:  Get Opportunities. 

Rohini:    Understanding will occur.  

Mirugaseerisham:  Change will occur.

You will be participating in good/auspicious events with family.

Seniors/elders suggestions will create clarity to mind.

You will be gaining by the friendship of newbies.

Advantageous environment will occur through lively speeches.

Existed difference of opinions with friends will go away.

Give value/respect to the opinions of others and perform.

Get the co-operation of customers.

A day full of support will be improving.

Lucky No.:   1

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:   Red.

Mirugaseerisham:  Clarity will occur.

Thiruvaathirai:    An advantageous day.

Punarpoosam:    Give Value/respect and perform.

Self-confidence will improve in mind.

You will do and complete the works which was in pending.

Get favourable solution for property problems.

Thinking’s about the siblings will improve.

Activities thought in mind will get hand in hand.

You will be exposing the talents that may be there indirectly.

Ripples will increase to those who are in social works.

A day filled with full of pride.

Lucky No.:   3 

Lucky direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Yellow. 

Punarpoosam:   Self-confidence will improve.

Poosam:     Get solution.

Aayilyam:  Ripples will increase.

Existed barriers/blocks in money income will reduce.

Co-operative situations will occur through family members.

Gain will occur in travel related matters.

Get expected loan helps.

Avoid unnecessary discussions/arguments.

Know the situations and perform while exposing the talents.

A day full of patience is needed.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:    Southeast.

Lucky Colour:     Orange Colour.

Magam:   Barriers/blocks will reduce.

Pooram:    Gain will occur.

Uththiram:   Talents will expose.

Give up and move in sibling’s ways.

Students those who are studying higher education have to maintain patience.

Coping up anything maturity will increase.

Fatigue/tired will occur in go away in performances through old memories,

You will be creating superiority in trading works through subtle thinking’s.

A day filled with full of complete.

Lucky No.:    6

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:    Green.

Uththiram:   Give up and move. 

Hastham:     Maturity will increase.

Chiththirai:   A superior day.

Existed blocks/barriers in trading will remove.

Good/auspicious expenses will increase in family.

Get loan related helps.

Understanding about the close ones will occur.

Ripples will occur in completing the planned activities.

Avoid unnecessary discussions/arguments with friends.

Understanding and experience will improve through unexpected some travelling’s.

A day filled with full of getting help.

Lucky No.:  1

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:  Light Yellow.

Chiththirai:  Barriers/blocks will remove.

Swaathi:   Understanding will occur.

Visaagam:  Avoid arguments.

Understanding about the siblings will improve.

Get important responsibilities at working place.

Existed fatigue/tired and sluggishness in performances will reduce.

Get appreciations according to work in job.

You will be fulfilling the needs/requirements of children’s.

You will be seeing victory by facing the competitions.

Existed dragging in father side properties will reduce.

A day filled with full of love.

Lucky No.:  9

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Red.

Visaagam:  Understanding will improve.

Anusham:  sluggishness will reduce.

Kettai:  Dragging will reduce.

Experience will expose in performances.

Existed confusion in giving and receiving will reduce.

Get unexpected some help in trading.

New confidence and clarity will occur at mental level.

Influence will increase at outside circles.

Economy related crisis will reduce.

Friend’s co-operation will improve.

A day filled with full of efforts will be fulfilling.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:  Sandal White Colour.

Moolam:   Experience will expose.

Pooraadam:  Get helps.

Uththiraadam:  Crisis will reduce.

Good/auspicious activity related efforts will fulfill.

Get favourable benefit through native properties.

You will even do and complete the hard works easily.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Lively environment will occur in family.

According to efforts improvement will occur.

Father’s physical health conditions related problems will reduce.

A day full of money will be improving.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:   Purple Colour.

Uththiraadam: Efforts will fulfill

Thiruvonam:  Requirements will fulfill.

Avittam:  Problems will reduce.

Maintain patience in official duties.

Loan related problems will reduce.

Get ripples and experience through unexpected travelling’s.

Ripples may happen by close ones.

Crisis situations will occur through unexpected some expenses.

Competitions will increase in trading works.

Think and perform in Government related performances.

A day full of sobriety is needed.

Lucky No.:   1

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:  Gold Colour.

Avittam: Maintain patience.

Sadhayam:   Get experience.

Poorattaadhi:   Competitions will increase.

Allies co-operation will improve in trading works.

Profit will increase in livestock trading.

Advantage will occur through outstation travelling’s.

Changed moments will occur by the introduction of new persons.

Colleagues/co-workers will be performance advantageously.

You will be receiving appreciations by exposing the subtle matters.

Business related travels will fulfill.

A day filled with full of confidence/assurance.

Lucky No.:   2

Lucky Direction: South.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Green.

Poorattaadhi:  Co-operation will improve.

Uththirattaadhi:   An advantageous day.

Revathi:   Travels will fulfill.


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