Astrology Weekly /Daily Prediction

Weekly Raasi Palan
Astrology Weekly Prediction.
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Sunday, 20 August 2023


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 21 August, 2023 Monday
Aavani 4
(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     06.05 am

Star of the Day:   Hastham up to 10.49 then Chiththirai.

Today’s Thithi:   Panchami up to 11.11 pm then Shashti.

Today’s Yogam: Amirdha Yogam up to 03.15 am then Sidhdha                           Yogam.                         

Auspicious time:  09.15 am to 10.15 am and 04.45 pm to 05.45 pm.

Raghu Kaalam:    07.30 am to 09.00 am.

Yemagandam:     10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.

Kuligai Kaalam:  01.30 pm to 03.00 pm. 

Soolam:               East.

Parigaram:           Curd. (Thayir) 

Chandraashtama Star:  Uththirattaadhi.

You will be receiving freshness by removal of existed worries in mind.

Hike will occur in official duties.

Existed dragging environment in outstation travelling does will reduce.

Get solution for long day problems.

Thinking’s about who have gone separate will improve.

Give value/respect to the opinions of others and perform.

Loan related problems will reduce.

A day full of self-confidence is needed.

Lucky No.  3

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:   Sandal Colour.

Ashwini:   A refreshed day.

Bharani:    Get solution.

Kaarthigai:   Problems will reduce.

Siblings will be performing supportively.

Get the introduction of higher officials.

You will be rejoicing in mind by meeting long day’s friends.

Change will birth at mental level through global happenings.

Intimacy will increase between husband and wife.

New experience will occur through unexpected some travelling’s.

A day full of income will be improving.

Lucky No.:  6  

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:     Green.

Kaarthigai:    Get introduction.

Rohini:       Change will birth.

Mirugaseerisham: Experience will occur.

Get happiest news in relations ways.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Dragging will disappear in contract works.

Changed opportunities will occur in official duties.

Avoid the sharing of family matters with others.

Get clarity for fluctuating thinking’s.

Existed competitions and jealousies in trading will remove.

A day full of benefit will be improving.

Lucky No.:   1

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:   Saffron Colour.

Mirugaseerisham:  A happiest day.

Thiruvaathirai:    Dragging will disappear.

Punarpoosam:    Competitions will remove.

Partition related efforts will get hand in hand.

You will be improving the savings by performing economically.

Interest will increase in sport related matters.

Self-confidence and courage/boldness will increase at mental level.

You will do and complete the planned works.

You will be rectifying the vehicle repairs.

Adjust and move with higher officials.

A day full of helps will be improving.

Lucky No.:  9  

Lucky direction:  Southwest.

Lucky Colour:    Light Yellow.

Punarpoosam:   Efforts will get hand in hand.

Poosam:  Interest will increase.

Aayilyam:  Adjust and move.

Get suggestions pertaining to trading.

Existed economy oriented problems will reduce by the help of friends.

Get help in relations ways.

Value/respect will increase at outside circles.

You wiLl be getting to receive unexpected some new opportunities.

You will know ad will be fulfilling the needs/requirements of parents.

Responsibilities will increase in job related works.

A day filled with full of expenses.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:   Ash Colour. 

Magam:   Get suggestions.

Pooram:    Value/Respect will improve.

Uththiram:   Responsibilities will increase.

Confusion will occur by diversified thinking’s.

Attention is needed in business related investments.

You will understand the thoughts of relations.

A type of fatigue/tired will occur I performances.

Some changes will occur I approach.

Know the characteristics of persons while telling the personal opinions.

You will get understand the strength and weaknesses.

A day filled with full of gain.

Lucky No.:   2

Lucky Direction:   Southeast.

Lucky Colour:    Green.

Uththiram:     Attention is needed.

Hastham:     Fatigue/tired will occur.

Chiththirai:     Understanding will occur.

Crisis will occur through unexpected expenses.

Know the situations and perform while taking new decisions.

You will be getting to receive new experience through unexpected some travelling’s.

Attention is needed in costly items.

Some changes will occur by the introduction of new persons.

Reduce the useless speeches.

A day full of honesty will be exposing.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:  Yellow.

Chiththirai:  A crisis day.

Swaathi:   Get experience.

Visaagam:  Attention/care is needed.

Thoughts about long days deposit plans will occur.

You will be performing with agility in any of the actions.

Some changes will occur in habits.

Get favourable decisions/results in case related works.

You will be receiving the confidence of many peoples by performing with generosity.

Existed difference of opinions with siblings will go away.

A day full of clarity will be birthing.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  White Yellow.

Visaagam:  An active day.

Anusham: Get result.

Kettai:  Difference of opinions will go away.

Interest on new items will increase.\Understanding about relations will occur.

Lack of interesting environment will occur in official duties.

Interest will occur in entertainment matters.

You will be gaining by father side relations.

You will be rectifying the repairs in vehicle.

Existed confusions in education for students will reduce.

A day filled with full of profit.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:   Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Orange Colour.

Moolam:   Interest will increase.

Pooraadam:  Lack of interest day.

Uththiraadam:  Confusion will reduce.

Opportunities will be for going to spiritual places and coming back.

Get the co-operation of peoples those who are in higher responsibilities.

You will be rejoicing in mind by participating in good/auspicious events.

Improvement will occur in Exports and Imports related works.

Opportunities will be for exposing the talents.

New house procuring related thinking’s will improve.

A day full of delay will be reducing.

Lucky No.:  2

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:   Gold Colour.

Uththiraadam: Opportunities will be.

Thiruvonam:  An improved day.

Avittam:  Thinking’s will improve.

Some activities were supposed to end easily will fulfill after delay.

Avoiding the new efforts will be good.

Attention/care is needed in physical health related matters.

Think and perform in Exports and Imports related fields.

Prudence is needed in vehicular travelling’s.

Patience is needed in giving and receiving related performances.

A day full of prudence is required.

Lucky No.:  1

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Light Blue.

Avittam:   A delayed day.

Sadhayam:  Think and perform.

Poorattaadhi:   Patience is needed.

It may happen to go trade related outstation travelling’s.

You will be fulfilling the give promises.

Interest will increase in procuring new items.

Few will get new responsibilities in job.

You wiLl be taking sudden decisions for dragging matters.

Unity will increase between husband and wife.

Get favourable result in case related works.

New introduction will occur in social works.

A day filled with full of pleasure/comfort.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction: East.

Lucky Colour:  Pink Colour.

Poorattaadhi:  You will be fulfilling the promises.

Uththirattaadhi:  Get responsibilities.

Revathi:   Introduction will occur.


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