Astrology Weekly /Daily Prediction

Weekly Raasi Palan
Astrology Weekly Prediction.
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Monday, 11 September 2023


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today
11 September, 2023 Monday
Aavani 25

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     06.04 am

Star of the Day:    Poosam Up to 10.56 pm then Aayilyam.

Today’s Thithi:    Ekaadashi up to 12.12 am then Dwadhashi.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:  06.00 am to 07.00 am and 04.45 pm to 05.45pm

Raghu Kaalam:    07.30 am to 09.00 am.

Yemagandam:     10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.

Kuligai Kaalam: 01.30 pm to 03.00 pm.

Soolam:                East.

Parigaram:            Curd, (Thayir)

Chandraashtama Star:  Moolam, Pooraadam.

Patience is needed in trading works.

Get the Co-operation of other language speaking peoples.

Dragging will occur in native properties.

Think and perform while helping the others.

Adjust and move with higher officials.

Get new experience through unexpected some travelling’s.

A day full of filled with ripples.

Lucky No. 3

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour:   Maroon Colour

Ashwini:  Patience is needed.

Bharani:   Think and perform. 

Kaarthigai:  Get experience. 

Get expected result in new efforts.

Understanding will improve between husband and wife.

Environments will be for get fulfilling the needs/requirements.

Health problems will reduce.

Reduce the useless discussions/arguments.

You will get creating the support by performing with neutrality in anything.

A day filled with full of friendship.

Lucky No.:   8    

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Kaarthigai:  Get result.

Rohini:   Problems will reduce.

Mirugasheerisham: Get support.

You will get the blocked/interrupted some incomes.

Value/Respect will increase for your opinions.

Ripples will occur in Government related works.

Perform with prudence with higher officials.

Interest will occur on costly items.

Get the co-operation of family peoples.

A day filled with full of comfort/pleasure.

Lucky No.:  5

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:   Ash Colour.

Mirugasheerisham:  Get incomes.

Thiruvaathirai:    Perform with prudence.

Punarpoosam:    Get co-operation.

Old friends meeting will create pleasant moments.

Avoid the telling of opinions in the performances of the others.

Think and perform in trade related performances.

Crisis will through unexpected some expenses.

Confusion will arise and disappear through fluctuated thinking’s.

Thinking’s about life partner will increase.

A day filled with full of hike.

Lucky No.:  8

Lucky direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Punarpoosam:   A beautiful/pleasant day.

Poosam:   Think and perform.

Aayilyam:  confusion will disappear.

Up and down environments will occur in official duties.

You will be performing disinterested in anything.

Trading oriented economy problems will reduce.

 Interest will occur in procuring the luxury items.

Outstation travelling’s will be favorable.

Delay will occur through unexpected some blocks/barriers.

Thoughts about those who have gone separate will improve.

A day filled with full of peace.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:   Red.

Magam:  An up and down day.

Pooram:    Problems will reduce.

Uththiram:  Delay will occur.

Superiority will occur in common/public activities.

A type of confusion will arise in thinking’s and disappear.

Clarity will birth by removal of existed confusions in mind.

Get new opportunities in arts related fields.

You will get understand the subtle matters easily.

Savings related thinking’s will improve.

A day filled with full of good.

Lucky No.:   7

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Light Yellow.  

Uththiram:  superiority will occur.

Hastham:  Clarity will birth.

Chiththirai:  Thinking’s will improve.

Good/auspicious expenses will occur by children’s.

Get advantageous benefits by native properties.

Activities thought in mind will fulfill.

Existed sluggish level in physical health conditions will reduce.

You will be knowing the new matters in business related fields.

Relations will be performing supportively.

You will get fulfilling the expectations by performing with patience.

A day filled with full of self-confidence.

Lucky No.:  8

Lucky Direction:   Southeast.

Lucky Colour:  Purple Colour.

Chiththirai:  Expenses will occur.

Swaathi:   Sluggish level will reduce.

Visaagam:  A supportive day.

Modern tools/equipment’s producing efforts will fulfill.

Unity will increase between husband and wife.

Responsibilities will improve in official duties.

Advantage will occur by travelling’s.

Now and then memory loss will arise and disappear.

Get higher education related suggestions.

You will be participating with interest in nature related matters.

A day filled with full of Preethi (Love)

Lucky No.:  6

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky Colour: Orange Colour.

Visaagam:  Efforts will fulfill.

Anusham:  Advantage will occur.

Kettai:  Get suggestions.

A type of sluggish level occur in physical health conditions.

Sobriety is needed in documents/deed related actions.

Peace will occur in mind through the avoidance of useless arguments.

Give up and move with siblings.

Changed environment will occur in doing efforts.

Husband and wife have to adjust and move among them.

Modest environment will be in money incomes.

A day filled with full of experience.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  Light Green.

Moolam:   sobriety is needed.

Pooraadam:  Give up and move.

Uththiraadam:  A changed day.

Economy related crisis will reduce through expected some helps.

Get the co-operation of allies.

New person’s introduction will occur.

Existed fatigue/tired in performances will reduce.

You will get understand the strength and weaknesses.

Favorable situations will occur in works.

A day full of protests will be reducing.

Lucky No.:  4

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:   Yellow.

Uththiraadam: Crisis will reduce.

Thiruvonam:  Introduction will occur.

Avittam:  A favourable day.

A type of fatigue/tiredness will expose in face through ole memories

Handling the important items with sobriety will be good.

Existed hesitations in competitions will reduce.

Ripples pertaining to works will occur.

Attention/care is needed in the course of thinking’s.

Handle the loan matters with patience.

A day filled with full of income.

Lucky No.:  5

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:  Pink.

Avittam:  Fatigue/tiredness will expose.

Sadhayam:   Hesitations will reduce.

Poorattaadhi:   patience is needed.

Superiority will occur through native properties.

Interest will increase in art subtle performances.

New overview about global life will birth.

Thinking’s for improving the money income will increase.

You will be happy by spending the time with children’s.

Involvement will occur in other language related matters.

A day filled with full of profit.

Lucky No.:   6

Lucky Direction: Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  White Colour.

Poorattaadhi:  Superiority will occur.

Uththirattaadhi:   An overview will birth.

Revathi:   Involvement will occur.




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