In this page of
Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today
16 September, 2023
Aavani 30
(All indicated
times are Indian Standard Times)
Rise Time: 06.03 am
of the Day: Uththiram up to 08.41 am
then Hastham.
Thithi: Pradhamai up to 09.32 am then
Yogam: Sidhdha Yogam up to 06.03 am then
Marana Yogam
time: 07.45 am to 08.45 am and 03.15 pm
to 04.15 pm.
Kaalam: 09.00 am to 10.30 am.
Yemagandam: 01.30 pm to 03.00 pm.
Kaalam: 06.00 am to 07.30 am.
Soolam: East.
Parigaram: Curd, (Thayir)
Star: Sadhayam, Poorattaadhi.
Profit will improve in
livestock related trading.
Understanding about the
peoples those who are together with you will increase.
Attention is needed in
food matters.
Get unexpected
good/auspicious news.
Old problems will reduce.
Changed environments will
be in trading works.
You will be taking some
important decisions at mental level.
A day full of confusion
will be removing.
Lucky No. 3
Direction: Northwest.
Colour: Light Yellow.
Ashwini: Profit
will improve.
Bharani: Get
good/auspicious news.
Kaarthigai: Will be taking decisions.
Good/auspicious activity
related thoughts will fulfill.
Involvement will improve
in arts related fields.
You will be finding
solutions for problems.
Self-confidence will increase
at mental level.
Attention is needed in
taking sudden decisions.
Occurred problems by
workers will reduce.
Existed lack of interest
in education will reduce.
A day full of barriers/blocks
will be removing.
Lucky No.: 1
Direction: Northeast.
Lucky Colour: Sandal
Kaarthigai: Thoughts
will fulfill.
Rohini: Self-confidence will increase.
Mirugasheerisham: Lack of interest will reduce.
Favorable environments
will occur in relations ways.
Physical health conditions
will improve.
Money income will be
Superiority will occur by
maintaining the patience.
Occurred tribulations by
co-traders will reduce.
Experience will occur in
Profit will increase in
metal related works.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 5
Direction: East.
Colour: Ash Colour.
Mirugaseerisham: A
favorable day.
Thiruvaathirai: Superiority
will occur.
Punarpoosam: Profit will increase.
Different thinking’s will
improve at mind.
Existed dissatisfaction in
mind will remove.
Value/respect will increase
through giving up and moving.
Interest will occur on new
electronic items.
Sales will be moderate in
Happiest environments will
be in the ways of children’s.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 3
direction: South.
Lucky Colour: Dark
Punarpoosam: Thinking’s
will improve.
Poosam: Value/respect
will increase.
Aayilyam: A happiest day.
Improving the income
related thinking’s will improve.
New type of dress and
ornament additions will occur.
Memory power will improve
for students.
Involvement on arts will
You will be gaining
through speaking talents.
Expectations will fulfill
by the co-operation of the peoples those who are together with you.
A day full of worries will
be reducing.
Lucky No.: 1
Direction: South.
Lucky Colour: Pink.
Magam: Thinking’s
will improve.
Pooram: Involvement
will increase.
Uththiram: Expectations will fulfill.
New self-confidence will occur
at mental level.
Adjust and move in family.
You will know the thoughts
of children’s and will be performing.
Balance in hand will
reduce by sudden expenses.
Trading works will be
Thinking’s about life
partner will improve.
Physical health conditions
related clarity will occur.
A day full of efforts will
be improving.
Lucky No.: 9
Direction: West.
Lucky Colour: Gold
Uththiram: Self-confidence
will occur.
Hastham: Balance
in hand will reduce.
Chiththirai: Clarity will occur.
Perform with
self-confidence in anything.
Foreign opportunities
pertaining to work will be favorable.
Think and take decisions
in loan matters.
Co-operation will improve
in the ways of brothers.
Be without/non-interfering
in the performances of others.
Husband and wife have to
adjust and move among them.
A day filled with full of help.
Lucky No.: 3
Direction: West.
Lucky Colour: Yellow.
Chiththirai: Opportunities
will be favorable.
Swaathi: Co-operation
will improve.
Visaagam: Adjust and move.
Freshness will occur at
mental level.
Clarity will occur in the
course of thinking’s.
Existed delays in money
income will remove.
You will be rectifying the
vehicle repairs.
You will be performing
actively at working place.
Get unexpected some new
Involvement will occur in
common/public activities.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 2
Direction: East.
Lucky Colour: White
Visaagam: Freshness
will occur.
Anusham: Delays
will remove.
Kettai: Involvement will occur.
Small, small confusions
will occur at mental level and go away.
You will be fulfilling the
wishes of mother.
You will understand the
thoughts of the children’s.
Trading related thinking’s
will improve.
Relations will be supportive.
Adjust and move in
maternal uncle’s ways.
You will be speaking with
open minded with friends.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 8
Direction: South.
Lucky Colour: Blue.
Moolam: Confusions
will go away.
Pooraadam: Thinking’s
will improve.
Uththiraadam: Adjust and move.
Good/auspicious activity
travelling’s will get hand in hand.
Get unexpected some helps.
You will do and complete
some works by the support of higher officials.
Get new opportunities in
internet related works.
Friends circle will expand.
Experience will expose in performances.
Change will birth through
the introduction of new persons.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Direction: Southwest.
Colour: Green Colour.
Uththiraadam: Get helps.
Thiruvonam: Opportunities
will be favorable.
Avittam: Change will birth.
A type of sluggishness
will occur in performances
Avoiding the important
decisions will be good.
Up and down will occur in physical
health conditions.
Ripples will occur by
unexpected some travelling’s.
Responsibilities will increase
at working place.
Delay will occur in
expected some helps.
Patience is needed in
A day filled with full of blocks/barriers.
Lucky No.: 1
Direction: North.
Lucky Colour: Light
Avittam: Sluggishness will occur.
Sadhayam: Ripples
will occur.
Poorattaadhi: Patience is needed.
Unity will improve between
husband and wife.
Gain will occur through
father side properties.
You will get understand
the thoughts of children’s.
New thinking’s will occur
at mental level.
Excitement will occur by
new friendships.
Improved environments will
be in trading.
Freedom will improve at
working place.
A day filled with full of
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Direction: Southeast.
Lucky Colour: Blue.
Poorattaadhi: Unity
will improve.
Uththirattaadhi: Thinking’s
will birth.
Revathi: Freedom will improve.
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