Astrology Weekly /Daily Prediction

Weekly Raasi Palan
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Sunday, 17 September 2023


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 
 18 September, 2023 Monday
Purattaasi 1

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     06.03 am

Star of the Day:    Chiththirai up to 11.57 am then Swaathi.

Today’s Thithi:    Tritiyai up to 11.38 am then Chadurththi.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam up to 11.57 am then Amirdha   Yogam.

Auspicious time:  09.15 am to 10.15 am and 04.30 pm to 05.00 pm.

Raghu Kaalam:    07.30 am to 09.00 am.

Yemagandam:     10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.

Kuligai Kaalam: 01.30 pm to 03.00 pm. 

Soolam:                East.

Parigaram:            Curd, (Thayir) 

Chandraashtama Star:  Uththirattaadhi, Revathi.

Get the connection of diversified peoples.

You will be happy by eating tasty foods.

Get notes about the lost/missed some items.

You will get understand the thoughts of allies.

Favorable environments will occur in trading works.

Get expected result in competitive examinations.

You will be knowing the strength and weaknesses.

A day filled with full of fame.

Lucky No. 6

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:   Light Green.

Ashwini:  Get connections.

Bharani:   Understanding will occur.

Kaarthigai:  Get result.

Avoid the outside foods.

Gain will improve by those who were against you.

Get new experience in livestock works.

Perform with patience in cases.

Oblivion related problems will occur and go away.

Existed tightness at mental level will reduce.

Ripples will occur through sudden news’s.

A day filled with full of victory.

Lucky No.:  5    

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Kaarthigai:  Gain will improve.

Rohini:   Perform with patience.

Mirugasheerisham: Tightness will reduce.

Exciting thinking’s will occur at mental level.

Get the connection of famous persons.

Patience is needed in Government activities.

Change will occur in traits.

Thoughts about the childr3n’s will increase.

Adjust and move in the ways of maternal uncle.

Interest will occur in novel matters.

A day full of tiredness will be reducing.

Lucky No.:  9

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:   Dark Red.

Mirugaseerisham:  An exciting day.

Thiruvaathirai:    Patience is needed.

Punarpoosam:    Adjust and move.

Expected loan helps will be favorable.

Existed lack of interest in education will reduce.

You will be gaining by livestock breeding.

Get happiest news in the ways of relations.

New type of environment will occur in works.

Superiority will occur to those who are in medical fields.

Travelling’s pertaining to trading will be favorable.

A day filled with full of benefit.

Lucky No.:  5

Lucky direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Purple Colour.

Punarpoosam:   Get helps.

Poosam:   A happiest day.

Aayilyam: Travelling’s will be favorable


You will be performing with self-confidence in anything.

Some changed environments will be in education.

Oblivion related problems will reduce.

Loan related problems will come under control.

Superiority will occur in trading.

Efforts for land development will come hand in hand.

You will do and complete the works you thought.

A day filled with full of peace.

Lucky No.:  9

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:   Yellow.

Magam:  Self-confidence will improve.

Pooram:    Problems will reduce.

Uththiram:  Efforts will get hand in hand.

Avoid the useless discussions/arguments.

Get the value/respect towards speech after delay.

Know the situations and perform at working place.

Get unexpected some new opportunities.

Change will birth in the confidence on you.

Kindness is needed in speeches.

Interest on ornaments will increase.

A day filled with full of loss.

Lucky No.:   8

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:  Brown.

Uththiram:  Avoid arguments.

Hastham:  Get opportunities.

Chiththirai:  Interest will increase.

Existed confusions in thinking’s will reduce.

Influence will increase at outside circles.

Perform with patience in management/administration fields.

You will involving with interest in performing individually

Outstation travel thinking’s will improve.

Unsatisfied environment will occur in anything.

Thoughts about body composition will improve.

A day full of delays will be removing.

Lucky No.:  6

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:  White Colour.

Chiththirai:  Confusions will reduce.

Swaathi:   Perform with patience.

Visaagam:  Unsatisfied day.

Understanding about the global life will improve.

Avoid the giving of promises.

You will be gaining by secretive some actions.

Perform with prudence in giving and receiving.

Experience will occur through sudden travelling’s/

Sleeplessness problems will occur and go away.

You will be gaining by other religions peoples.

A day filled with full of support.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour: Pink.

Visaagam:  Understanding will improve.

Anusham:  Perform with prudence.

Kettai:  You will be gaining.

You will complete the hard matters easily.

Dragged cases will end favorably.

Value/respect will improve in arts related fields.

Superiority will occur in trading works.

Get good/auspicious news in sister’s ways.

Profit will occur in communication fields.

Interest will occur in innovative some actions.

A day filled with full of hike.

Lucky No.:  4

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  Brown.

Moolam:   Dragging will remove.

Pooraadam:  Superiority will occur.

Uththiraadam:  Interest will occur. 

Gain will occur in Government works.

New thinking’s will birth at mental level.

Clarity will birth in spirituality.

Some innovative environment will occur in learning power.

You will be reaching freshness by travelling’s.

Get favorable opportunities in production works.

Improved environments will be in education.

Physical health condition tribulations will reduce.

A day filled with full of efforts.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:   Light Blue.

Uththiraadam: Gain will occur.

Thiruvonam:  An innovative day.

Avittam:  Tribulations will reduce.

Existed confusions at mental level will remove.

New field related search will increase.

Changes environment will occur in some works you thought.

Get luckiest some opportunities.

Involvement will occur in spiritual works.

Get co-operation of father side relations.

Prudence performances will create goodwill.

Today is a creative day.

Lucky No.:  4

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:  Yellow.

Avittam:  Confusions will remove.

Sadhayam:   Get opportunities.

Poorattaadhi:   Involvement will occur.

Reduce the useless arguments.

Changes will birth through sudden opportunities.

Care/attention is needed in machinery fields.

Disinterested environment will occur in anything.

Some changes will occur in traits.

Avoid the awakening of eyes for long hours.

Reserves will reduce by unexpected some expenses.

A day full of patience is needed.

Lucky No.:   7

Lucky Direction: West.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Poorattaadhi:  Changes will birth.

Uththirattaadhi:   Disinteresting day.

Revathi:   Reserves will reduce.


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